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Discover the multiple workshops available in more details and let your self guide you to select wisely what fits your needs right now & what you heart wants.

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The "Reconnect with your inner child" (RIC) Worskhop

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The "ReConnect with your Inner Child" workshop is a unique experience to:


  • Receive insights about the power of your mind

  • Connect with your essence & life purpose guidance

  • Connect & apply empathy & forgiveness 

  • Reignite  your sense of fun & pleasure

  • Reconnect with your innate creativity & artistic gifts

  • Redesign your future with eyes full of wonders


The workshop includes a talk, a guided meditation, role playsartherapy & intuitive reading, self-expression & conscious sharing.


Capacity: 10 pax

Duration: 3 H30

Location: Online & Onsite

*And be notified about the upcoming workshop


The "Activate your creative power" (ACP) Worskhop

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The "Activate Your Creative Power" workshop is a unique experience to:


  • Learn the principles of Creativity

  • Reconnect with your feminine energy

  • Learn to release the anxiety & fear of the unknown

  • Redesign your inner guidance


The workshop includes a talk, a guided meditation, role playsartherapy & intuitive reading, self-expression & conscious sharing.


Capacity: 10 pax

Duration: 3 H30

Location: Online or Onsite

*And be notified about the upcoming workshop

The "Master the art of forgiveness" (MAF) Worskhop

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The "Master the Art of Forgiveness" workshop is a unique experience to:


  • Learn the foundations of forgiveness

  • Learn to forgive self & others 

  • Create resourceful connections with self & others

  • Let go of anger & resentment even more

  • Enlighten your body, mind & heart


The workshop includes a talk, a guided meditation, role playsartherapy & intuitive reading, self-expression & conscious sharing.


Capacity: 10 pax

Duration: 3 H30

Location: Online or Onsite

*And be notified about the upcoming workshop



"This session was unbelievable!! I literally felt "time travel" and discovered so much about my authentic self which otherwise is not possible as we all get so overwhelmed with the everyday process of life! Thank you Wafa and I genuinely recommend for everyone to attend this session."

lettre M


"The workshop was amazing as it assisted us to tap into different stages of our lives. We got in touch with the most pure and innocent form of our personalities & ended with an atmosphere full of colors & joy!"

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"Thank you Wafa for your sharing and insights.


Loved the workshop."



"Have you ever wanted to connect with your inner child? I did and it was helpful understanding who i was really and what is the message from my inner child to me to go through future with no fear. Thank You Wafa."

Image by Gareth Harper

"Creativity involves breaking out of expected patterns in order to look at things in a different way."

Edward de Bono


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"The 21 Day AYS" (AYS) Coaching Program

AYS challenge

"The AYS 21 Day" program is a one of a kind challenge to learn to embody the spirit of a creative being, gain and use your superpowers to turn your life into a Masterpiece. You will:


  • Discover the secrets of human experience

  • Learn how to use your human superpowers

  • Regain control over your life & invite positive change

  • Explore your inner self, breakthrough & break free

  • Learn to install peace & tranquility

  • Understand & master your emotions

  • Address and  release your limiting beliefs

  • Discover & start applying the secrets of success

  • Redesign and empower your self-image

  • Discover your vision & start living Your purpose

  • Invite the future with more confidence & gratitude


Capacity: 10 pax

Duration: 21 Days

Location: Online and/or Onsite

*And be notified about the upcoming workshop


Chindu K. V, Dubai

"Wafa helped me to clear my limiting belief that I didn’t know I had. It transformed me. Working with Wafa taught me so much about myself, my environment, my colleagues, friends and family. I learned how to see good and find positivity in every situation in life. No matter what happens, I need to focus on finding the good to improve myself, and just take all the bad and throw it."

Letter M

Maryam, Dubai

"The program is rich with valuable information, tools and methods to not only understand yourself but concur it. It takes you to the deepest point of your being to understand how you operate, when did it start and why you are here now. It is intense but given in the simplest form possible for such a crucial topic. Enter at your own risk & internal power and enjoy the fruits of it throughout your life!!"


Sadia Aman, Dubai

"The program is inspirational and a great way to delve deeper into the areas in which we want to grow and develop further.  It is an essential tool for anyone looking to achieve their true potential."

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Choose now to solution what you are dreading the most and invite waves of serenity. You certainly don't have to carry on being frightened and stay trapped in past debilitating memories.

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